Floss Before or After Brushing Your Teeth

"Make sure you floss your teeth at least once a day!". You've probably heard this one before. Its common knowledge that you should floss your teeth at least once a day. However the art of flossing is one that is lost on many people, with the specifics such as "flossing before or after brushing" often being overlooked. But don't worry - we will take you from a flossing apprentice to a master of the craft in no time...

When To Floss

When is best to floss? It's best to floss before brushing your teeth. Flossing will remove plaque that can then be brushed away with your toothbrush and allow the fluoride to coat your teeth better.

Let us elaborate...

Although there are a couple different opinions on this matter, the general consensus is it's best to floss before brushing your teeth. This is because the floss will remove any plaque or food (yuck!) wedged between your teeth, allowing you to more easily brush it away. Flossing before also helps fluoride (the part of the toothpaste that gives your teeth a protective coating) better reach the sides of your teeth previously covered before you flossed. 

The Argument For Flossing Afterwards

Some people argue its better to floss after brushing your teeth so you have already removed a bulk of the plaque by brushing and remove the remainder with the floss and help push fluoride in between your teeth, reaching the hard to get parts with your toothbrush bristles. 

What Should You Believe?

"I've read all this and I still don't know what to do!" Don't worry, we recommend you take the advice of the dentists, the vast majority of which will say floss first. The NHS (National Health Service) recommends that you brush after flossing. If you still have any doubts in your mind, you can always go the extra mile and floss both before and after. Although everyone will agree the most important thing is the fact that you do floss... like a boss.